Friday, April 9, 2010

Teen Girl's Daybook Week 18

Date... Friday, April 9, 2010
Starting time... 12:37 pm
Mood... excited
Outside my window... the sun is shining!! finally!
I'm reading... nothing ):
I'm listening to... Fresh Meat 2
I'm wearing... frog shorts, field day tee, and black zip hoodie
Yesterday, I... got my braces adjusted
I'm excited for... seeing Remember Me with my friend today!
I'm sad because... i might not go shopping tomorrow with my friends ):
I'm hungry for... tater tots!
The song stuck inside my head is... You Belong With Me- Taylor Swift
I want... easier plans
I love... movies
I loathe... feeling gross
This week, my goal is... to find cheap shorts for spring!
Did I meet last week's goal?... no >:(
Ending time... 12:48 pm (i took a tot break in the middle ;) )


  1. FINALLY. For weeks I've been having trouble viewing your blog (which I've been following for a while) but now I can see it!!

  2. Yay! I'm glad it's working for you now!

  3. You've been tagged on Carpe Diem! Sorry I forgot to tell you! Here's the link to the post:

