Monday, August 30, 2010

this is getting annoying -.-

Gahh. I have so much homework it is ridiculous.

Lots of things have happened since Friday. I'll start with Saturday morning.
Saturday morning, I had a soccer game about an hour away from my house. I played really well, but the other team was vicious. They pushed, shoved, kicked, elbowed, and tripped pretty much all of our players at least once. It was insane! But... we won. 5-0 (:
After the game, we drove through the nearby college that my parents went to and had lunch. We bought t-shirts from the campus bookstore, then came home. Saturday night, my dad, sister, and I went to a major league baseball game that our friend had tickets to. The seats were right behind first base and a little to the right. It was so awesome! Our team lost, though, but we had loads of fun (:

On Sunday, my sister and her two friends invited me to go thrifting at Goodwill with them. Naturally, I agreed. I found this shiny silver tank top for only four dollars there. Then, we went over to Kohl's, where I got a Goonies t-shirt a million sizes too big. But it's so amazing, and would look killer with a red belt as a dress XD We got shakes at Sonic, then came home. My sister got sick that evening, so we ate dinner without her outside. I showered, did my homework, and went to bed a little early.
At around midnight, woke up with terrible pains in the stomach area. My mom thought it might have been apendicitis, but she wasn't sure. In the meantime, we had absolutely no medicine to help me and I couldn't fall asleep because of the pain. Eventually, though, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until seven. I still felt pretty crappy, so I slept in until about eight, and my dad took me to school late. He had been pretty sick, too, since Saturday afternoon, so he was coughing and sneezing the whole way there. I got through most of the day alright, but I skipped soccer practice. At about two this afternoon, my throat started hurting like crazy! It still does. And I had twenty pounds of homework to do, which I still haven't finished.

So now, my dad, my sister, and I are all sick, my mom isn't home from work yet, and it's like a million degrees outside :/

I have a soccer game tomorrow, though, so wish me luck! And I still have some Blogoversary planning to do.... :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Teen Girl's Daybook Week 19

Date... Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Starting time... 6:26 PM
Mood... worried and dreadful
Outside my window... it's sunny and green (:
I'm reading... The Truth About Forever by Sarah Dessen
I'm listening to... my ceiling fan's annoying tt, tt, tt noise DX
I'm wearing... my uniform minus skirt, cloud snuggie, and owl ring
Yesterday, I... made my sister and her friend laugh
I'm excited for... dinner
I'm sad because... i have to shower and do my homework :P
I'm hungry for... anything!
The song stuck inside my head is... Telephone, by Lady Gaga and Beyonce
I want... food, no homework, infinite cleanliness...
I love... my friends
I loathe... certain responsibility
This week, my goal is... to clean out my drawers/closet
Did I meet last week's goal?... I got one pair of shorts, but not for really cheap. So, halfway?
Ending time... 6:32 PM

PS. My Spanish name is Charo Dolores :D

School. What can I say?

My first day of 8th grade was on Monday, and so far it's not too bad (: There's a lot to remember and a lot of responsibility, but my friends make it worth it (:
Sooo. I like this boy. He sits across from me in the class where we can goof off the most, so we're pretty much stifling giggles through the whole period. He's so great. He's funny, sweet, and cute, and generally perfect (: He's way taller than me, though, but that's fine with me!

Also, I'm spending more and more time with Steven these days. He said I was his best friend (: But he's kind of clingy. I love him to death, but sometimes it's a bit much. He's hilarious though (: We have Jersey Shore nicknames (he's "The Ordeal" and I'm "The Circumstance"), and we play Silent Library a lot. Plus, his taste in music is impeccable. If I ever need a new artist, I go to him straight away.

It's soccer season again! Yay! I can actually get excersize now!

I think I'll do a daybook, just because (: But I can't upload the picture, because my photo uploader thingy is lame ):


This is freaking post 100! Yay! And I've been on Blogger for almost one whole year! Insanity!!
So, in about one month, it will be my blogaversary :D
I need IDEAS, people. Something totally awesome to celebrate you, me, and my blogaversary! It can be anything, a contest, a 100-things-about-me, ANYTHING. If it is a contest, though, prizes I can give you are limited, unless anyone has suggestions or wants to volunteer to make something for the winner, like a button, header, etc.

Also, I feel horrible for never posting things on this lovely blog, soo I'm going to try to be on more often! For now, I'll say a post a week, maybe more? Sounds good to me, and totally easy (that's what I say now!).

Anyway, I can't believe I've made 100 posts! It seems like so much less. Rahh, I'm getting old! It's already been almost a whole year! Totes ridic. Thanks so much to all of my followers. I wouldn't have lasted 100 posts without you! And welcome to all the new followers, I think there might be a few... (:

I'm siked for my blogaversary, and I hope you are, too (: I'll probably do one more post, then off to do homework :P I started school this week! More about that to come.

For now,