Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Last Post of 2009!

I'm so excited for the New Year! I thought 2009 was amazing, but according to my yearly horoscope, I just went through bad years. And 2010 is going to be much better for me! I didn't think the last few years were bad, but now looking back I guess they were kind of hard. But now I'm stronger, deeper, and much more mature. I can't wait to see what next year has in store. Apparently, people will be drawn to me- friends, family, and classmates- at random points through the year. That sounds awesome; more attention for me (I get overlooked... a lot)

Here are some amazing New Year's Eve dresses that I wish I was wearing tomorrow:
(the third and fourth pictures I designed on my account is HereIsYourVerse)
But I'm actually wearing (probably) a sparkly sequined top from Forever 21, dark skinny jeans, a dark gray cami, and either black flats or grey wrinkled ankle boots. Is anyone wearing something glam and fabulous? Preferably silver, preferably sequined (;

Let's all blow out 2009 with a bang and welcome 2010 with a louder one, the start of a new decade and even more fond memories and adventures.
Happy New Year!
PS. It's also the year I turn 13!!

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Date.... Saturday, December 26, 2009
Starting Time.... 2:58 PM
Mood.... tired ( i woke up at 1 *grins smugly*), happily content
Outside my window.... the sun is shining
I'm thinking.... about tiny arms (i<3snl)
I'm reading.... nothing at the moment. about to start HP6
I'm listening to.... a Burger King commercial. Well.
I'm wearing.... my pink aeropostale pjs and an aeropostale sweatshirt
Yesterday, I.... had an amazing Christmas
I'm excited for.... seeing Nine tonight
I'm sad because.... I feel like a hobo and I don't wanna take a shower.
I'm hungry for.... a milkshake. Chocolate (:
The song stuck inside my head is.... the Virgins- Private Affair, and
Diandre Colls- What Up With That?!
I want.... to be inside the What Up With That skit. its crazy in ther.
I love.... the dancing red sweatsuit man!
I loathe.... distractions
This week, my goal is.... to have an awesome time with my cousins on Monday.
Did I meet last week's goal?.... Finally, YES!
Ending time.... 3:17 PM

Friday, December 25, 2009

The True Meaning of Christmas

Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that St Nicholas soon would be there.

The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads.
And momma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled our brains for a long winter's nap.

When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.

The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Dasher! now, Dancer! Now, Prancer and Vixen!
On, Comet! On, Cupid! On, on Donner and Blitzen!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! Dash away! Dash away all!"

As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky.
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of Toys, and St Nicholas too.

And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my head, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St Nicholas came with a bound.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot.
A bundle of Toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler, just opening his pack.

His eyes-how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow.

The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook when he laughed, like a bowlful of jelly!

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself!
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread.

He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk.
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose!

He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, 'ere he drove out of sight,
"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good-night!"

Christmas needs no explanation. It is warm, loving, comfortable, and simple. You can give and receive, or cook and celebrate all you want, but take time to slow down and think about the real meaning of Christmas, the 'reason for the season.' Christmas is traditional, it is everlasting, it is familiar. Keep Christmas in your hearts, minds and souls, and don't forget. *winks*
I hope you took the time to read the poem above. It's a classic.

PS. I got a laptop. What did you get?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Christmas Eve!!

Lately I haven’t felt like blogging for some reason, and I feel bad about leaving you in the dark about the goings-on in my life. A few things have happened lately:

1. I went to a super-awesome Christmas bash at my friend Molly’s house.
2. A picture I took of a baby panda at the San Diego Zoo is being considered for an online brochure about San Diego destinations (see the picture: )
3. I found out that my grandpa’s sister, Aunt Sadie, is in the hospital with a rare type of heart cancer.

The party was sick! We made pizzas, watched movies (“17 Again” and “The Clique”), stayed up till 3:30 playing “Would You Rather,” and had a crazy dance-off/fashion show. In. Sane.

I got an email on Tuesday telling me that Schmap San Diego is considering my Flickr photo that I took of a panda to be featured in a brochure about different places around San Diego. I’ll get recognition, yet under a penname (I’m not putting my name out there for creepers!), and no payment. I wouldn’t have accepted payment anyway, for other reasons than just ethics. I’m so excited, though, and if my photo makes the cut they’ll email me the finished product. It will be on the page about the zoo.

Lastly, my father’s aunt has been in the hospital for over a month with a rare form of cancer, which I believe is of the heart. She is on a feeding tube and is moved back and forth between hospitals by ambulance. She looked great when we visited her yesterday, but it would be greatly appreciated if you kept her in your thoughts and prayers.

Merry Christmas!

PS. We still don't have snow! Looks like no white Christmas for us... and no sledding.

"I wers warshin’ my hands when the alians came through that ther winder and scooped up Old Man Jenkins like a piece’a fire wood. I just kept on warshin’ my hands like nothing had happened. It was all just a big misunderstandin’."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Teen Girl's Daybook Week 6

Date... Saturday, December 19, 2009
Starting time... 9:51 AM
Mood...Tired, apprehensive/excited.
Outside my window... SNOW SNOW SNOW!
I'm thinking... about how I need to be alone
I'm reading... I SHOULD be reading Bounce, but I left it at school for ALL of winter break! (HP5) I'm listening to... shuffling papers
I'm wearing... pink soccer ball pajama pants, Fudpucker’s mirror tee
Yesterday, I... watched Pixar Animated Short Films. Yes, I was a special(:
I'm excited for... dinner at my grandparents’ tonight
I'm sad because... my mom’s going to make me pose for Christmas pictures. I love modeling, but hate Christmas pictures
I'm hungry for... pancakes
The song stuck inside my head is... Hot Air Balloon- Owl city
I want... tonight to be fun! And a fireplace would be nice…
I love... that little puppy of mine(:
I loathe... how this book will never be finished ):
This week, my goal is... TO FINISH HP5!
Did I meet last week's goal?... no, grumble grumble
Ending time... 10:03 AM

Monday, December 14, 2009

I Feel Sorry for Mailboxes.

They just sit outside all alone in the dark watching the cars of people who have somewhere to be go by.
- - - - - - - - -

Does anyone else find it odd that my best thinking happens whilst I'm trying to fall asleep?

Science class today was surprisingly über fun. While we were taking notes on types of minerals, me and mah random buddy Will (Alejandro) were giving names to the minerals without labels- Seethroughite, Willium, Breanite, SoshinyIwanttostealitum. Then Hales made me inhale the chinchilla. Why, i ask?
We had a fiesta in Spanish for Navidad and my cupcakes were a hit! Their deranged, mildly Spanish-themed decorations were too. Ay, Ca rumba. But the only main food substance someone signed up to bring was taco soup and THEY DIDN'T. So we didn't get lunch today, except for chips 'n' salsa and cupcakes. The sopapillas didn't count because they were, well, mediocre, due to the fact that I don't like cinnamon. Yea, that's why.
Recess was muy fantastico! (Mrs. B is getting to me. *shudders*)

I don't have much else to say. I wish words came more easily, then my novel might be done.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

I Love the Killers

the Killers are my new favorite band, along with All-American Rejects and the Ting Tings.
you can find a Killers song for almost every moment of your life! having a Febreze War? Smile Like You Mean It. it is upbeat and you definately smile. getting into a fight at school? Spaceman. also upbeat, but like a lot of their songs has a hint of sadness to it that makes you want to stare out a window with a pity-worthy look on your face. thinking about someone? Romeo and Juliet. its sweet and makes a hint of a smile attach to your face. running through a field? Sam's Town. i could go on. just listen to them, and you'll fall in love. they make you feel like the only thing is music and you're free to be. when you're listening to them, the world melts around you and you think about things inspiring and wonderful. they are my inspiration. someday i am making a movie with only their music.

Teen Girl's Daybook Week 5

OMG! yesturday in all the excitement of getting ready for our Christmas party i COMPLETELY forgot about the daybook! don't hate me.

Want to do the Teen Girl's Daybook? Find out how here.
Date... Saturday, December 13, 2009
Starting time... 12:55 PM
Mood... excited
Outside my window... the creek is 10 feet wide
I'm thinking... about the cupcakes to be decorated at Grace's
I'm reading... Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I'm listening to... the heater. and its still freezing in here!
I'm wearing... skinny jeans, argyle socks, white cami,
forever21 black top, pink aeropostale sweatshirt
Yesterday, I... had a Febreze war!
I'm excited for... decorating cupcakes
I'm sad because... this song is so amazing but has a hint of grief. it gives me this wierd feeling that i love in the middle of my stomach.
I'm hungry for... cuppcakesss
The song stuck inside my head is... a Killers song that i dont know the name to
I want... a cupcake
I love... cupcakes
I loathe... the need to pee
This week, my goal is... to finish HP5
Did I meet last week's goal?... not at all ):
Ending time... 1:00 PM

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Dear Jesus, I'm Scared

I don't know what to do. I need help.

has anyone ever told you a secret that could ruin their lives if it got out? literally? as in expulsion?
i dont know how to help. if i dont tell someone, i might explode. this is bad, majorly bad. it was a foolish thing to do, yet brave. but very irresponsible trust-wise. i cant even think about what could happen if they got caught. Jesus, guide me. I'm scared.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Eep! I'm free!
OMfrappingG. if i explained it to you, it wouldn't sound to bad. but trust me, if you were stuck in a science lab with an insanely monotone woman who pronounces color as "collar" for 45 minutes, you would draw cartoon radishes too. me and meg maintained our sanity by playing with blocks and making faces every time the teacher called me Bre. is Breanne so long you have to shorten it to Bre? and her monotonous little voice lingers on the E and gives it a sound of finality that makes you think her sentence is over when it isn't. i enjoyed the poster exclaming "The Magic of Ice" though. ((sigh)) do i really care about phosphates and turbidity?

but I'm free, free, free. and its snowing. with 50 mph winds. cross your appendages and hope it sticks.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Tag From Cornet Crazie

well. I'm watching "a year without a Santa Claus" and the little boy, Ignacius, asks Santa if he believes in Santa Claus. he takes a pause, some music starts, and he says, "why, yes. yes i do." another pause... anddd.... he breaks into song. about himself. can you say conceited? i just thought that was funny, and i love this movie.
mmm that's some good hot chocolate.
Here's a Christmas-y tag from Cornet Crazie!

1. Do you believe Jesus is the reason for the season?
Heaven yes! without him, Christmas wouldn't exist!

2. Have you ever been in a Christmas Play? What were you?
Yesirree! i was a little lamb in kindergarten, and a reindeer in preschool. i sang a song in both(:

3.What is your favorite thing you get in you stocking?
i usually get an iTunes gift card in my stocking, but last year i got a new ipod, which was pretty cool.

4. What is your best Christmas memory?
i know there's a lot! in the kindergarten Christmas play, i played a little lamb, and on the day of the school performance, not the parent one, thank goodness, i forgot to wear my white sweater and khakis, so i was a lamb with a red torso and blue legs... heh, heh.
i also loved going over to my aunt's house with all of our cousins and making cookies with icing and sprinkles, and seeing Santa and exchanging gifts.

5. What is your favorite Christmas beverage?
Hot chocolate! I'm drinking it right now from my favorite mug! its black and says CHICAGOthemusical in red

6. What do you put on your tree top?
A star

7. Where do you get your tree?
Mars. and if they're out, Neptune usually has overruns.
just kidding, obviously. we have fake ones that we use every year. lame, i know. no pine scent fills my home ):

8. Do you go somewhere for Christmas or do you host?
We stay home, but visit relatives around Christmas, usually the local family before and the Land of Cleve family after.

9. Do you have any traditions?
a big Christmas breakfast, and Taco Bell dinner Christmas Eve. Mmm.

10. How much do you like Christmas?
l............................................this much!................................l

11. What do you do on Christmas Eve?
Go to the Christmas Eve mass and have Taco Bell afterwards. pretty sweet

12. What do you do on Christmas Day?
we get up around 8, open and play with our presents, and then have a big eggs'n'bacon breakfast(: sometimes pudding cups, those are nice.

13. What is your favorite Christmas song?
I like "Light the Advent Candle," "Winter Wonderland," and "Jingle Bells."

14. What do you really want for a gift this year?
i already got my Snuggie on St. Nick's Day, but I'd like Ratatouille and Some Like It Hot on DVD. there's more, but those especially

15. Favorite treat?
Christmas cookies. making them ourselves is so much fun!

16. Do you usually have a white Christmas?
Usually, but not always. i love a good white Christmas, its not the same without it.

17. What was the worst present you've ever gotten?
I'm not sure. it makes me sad when i get a present that i never wear or don't use, it breaks my heart.

18. Who's your favorite reindeer?
Prancer. we have a lot in common.

19. The Christmas present you always wanted but never got?
not sure. probably a hamster.

20. What are your favorite Christmas movies?
the old movies like "a Year Without a Santa Claus," "Santa Claus is Coming to Town," and "Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer." i also like "a Mickey Mouse Christmas."

21. Last one. What is the best thing about Christmas to you?
Christmas morning and seeing my family. everyone is so excited, and its always so fun!

I Tag anyone who celebrates Christmas!

i believe in Santaaa Claaaaus..... like i believe in LOOOOOVE!"

Monday, December 7, 2009

Snowy Day Stories

Today was the first snow of the year! and with it came many odd adventures involving mailboxes, art projects, and icy trechery.
When i woke up, i noticed the snow outside my window. it wasnt much, but it was SNOW! On my way to school, the roads were so icy and the truck in front of us was slipping and sliding into the side ditch. it was hilarious. but pertaining to the immense traffic, i was fifteen minutes late even when taking a detour. but the secretary told me no one was late today because of the ice (ice baby). Sorry, i had to!
to make matters worse, as soon as i walked into homeroom, i realized that i had left my art project (a self-portrait of myself, pics eventually) on my dining room table. Whoopee. so i went to the office to call mi madre.
i punched in her oh so complicated phone number, and this is what i heard:

Me: "doo dee doo dum dum..."
(phone is answered)
Call Reciever: "Heh."
Me: "Mom?"
CR: "Whah?"
Me: "Hello?"
CR: Hollo?"
Me: "Mom, Hello?"
CR: "Mah? Holla."

Apparently, i had called a mexican child by mistake. Huh. i hung up when i realized what had happened, while the ghost-pale kid waiting behind me was sweating and breathing heavily with some kind of spur-of-the-moment illness that came about, what, twenty minutes ago? so i redial and get mother dearest's voicemail. after leaving the shortest, sweetest message i can manage and trudge back to class.
After one step into the door, my teacher says, "Breanne, back down," holding the envelope for the office out to me. my job this week was to be the unpaid pageboy, running down 3 flights of stairs to get the delivery to the office ASAP, then running BACK UP equally as fast so as not to miss first period. The secretary told me my mom was coming soon when i gave her the envelope, so that was a load off.
school was great, i made lotsa people laugh, and my art project arrived safely! (claps for self) but science class was crazy. this one kid, we'll call him Nicolas, really wanted to hold the chinchilla. so, me, meg, and lex tried to grab the chinchilla, Eore, out of his 3-level cage. lex got him up to the third layer, and was about to grab him when he jumped onto the floor. people were screaming and slamming the doors so he couldnt excape, while we all ran around trying to catch this little gray wisp of fur. lex finally managed to catch him after he ran under a cabinet. she gave it to me, and i TRIED to show dear nicky how to hold it. guess what, animal-lovers? he dropped it.
i caught him again from behind Mrs. C's desk, and gave him to nick again (probably not my best idea). bet you can't assume what came next. He dropped it again. but, wait for it.... i caught it while it was in the air. with one hand. (cheers) Yay! then i didnt trust nick enough (neither did Eore), so i kept the little trooper. nicolas almost started crying because the chinch didnt like him, so i told him chinchillas were afraid of dogs, and it smelled his dog. that made him feel much better.

ok, back on topic. when my mom picked me up, all the snow had melted, and you would have never guessed all that chaos had been caused. Mommy told me that a school bus had gotten stuck on a hill, and made tracks in the grass. the school bus recovery team (for lack of a better name) had to take out the mailbox to save the bus and get the little urchins to school. so, we dont have a mailbox until "the people'' pay for us to replace it. wow, this post is geting long.
needless to say, the snow didnt stick, and now we are stuck back in a sunny damp holiday just like last year. ((sigh)) cross your fingers. we need snow. Woe is me.

Thanks for listening,

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Chicago and Teen Girl's Daybook, Week 4

I can't believe I haven’t posted in a week. that’s sad.but today im seeing Chicago the play and im soo excited! I love that movie and its many musical numbers!! don’t make me choose a favorite.... but if I had to ([;) I’d choose the cell block tango or.. I don’t know. I love them all. here's the daybook.

Want to do the Teen Girl's Daybook? Find out how here.
Date... Saturday, December 5, 2009
Starting time... 3:32 PM
Mood... excited/nervous
Outside my window... there is caution tape /:
I'm thinking... they both, they both, they both reached for the gun, for the GUN!
I'm reading... Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
I'm listening to... my dad clicking on his laptop
I'm wearing... sweat pants, splattered tee, and brown Aero jacket
Yesterday, I... played basketball (:
I'm excited for... Chicago the musical and St. Nick's Day!
I'm sad because... I don’t know how to wear my hair
I'm hungry for... A DANG MILKSHAKE!
The song stuck inside my head is... All You Need Is Love by the Beatles
I want... my St Nick's presents
I love... my new shirt from Sax 5th
I loathe... my hair
This week, my goal is... to get a good chunk of my novel done and to finish HP5
Did I meet last week's goal?... yes!
Ending time... 3:36 PM

( I wrote this post yesterday, but my computer was being emotional so I couldn’t post it. Chicago was so fun, and Fred Casely’s actor/dancer, Brent Hueser, was really hot!! Six feet six inches of pure beauty…. And I got a mug, and a tee shirt! But sadly, it lies. On the front it says Not Guilty, but that’s another post.)